- Obtener una imagen visual del ritmo cardiaco.
- Identificar alteraciones eléctricas cardiacas como arritmias.
- Identificar alteraciones estructurales como crecimiento de cavidades, hipertrofias, isquemias e infartos.
- Asistir en el horario de atención indicado
- Traer orden médica y autorización de la entidad de salud.
- Abstenerse de usar cremas o lociones en el pecho el día del examen.
Our staff strives to make each interaction with patients clear, concise, and inviting. Support the important work of Medicsh Hospital by making a much-needed donation today. We will work with you to develop individualised care plans, including management of chronic diseases. If we cannot assist.
Our staff strives to make each interaction with patients clear, concise, and inviting. Support the important work of Medicsh Hospital by making a much-needed donation today. We will work with you to develop individualised care plans, including management of chronic diseases. If we cannot assist.
Our staff strives to make each interaction with patients clear, concise, and inviting. Support the important work of Medicsh Hospital by making a much-needed donation today. We will work with you to develop individualised care plans, including management of chronic diseases. If we cannot assist.
Health Tips & Info
We will work with you to develop individualised care plans, including management of chronic diseases. If we cannot assist, we can provide referrals or advice about the type of practitioner you require. We treat all enquiries sensitively and in the strictest confidence.
Meet Our Doctors
Our administration and support staff all have exceptional people skills and trained to assist you with all medical enquiries. Doctors will be available from 8 am : 12 am , kindly call to confirm your Appointment.